The Python Programming for Beginners course introduces the fundamentals of Python, covering basic syntax, data types, control structures, functions, and essential data structures. It provides hands-on experience with file handling, error management, and an introduction to object-oriented programming, equipping learners with the skills needed to start writing and understanding Python code effectively.
Introduction to Python Programming for Beginners
Introduction to Java Programming Training Course is an introductory course aimed at newcomers to Java and who need to become familiar with the fundamentals.
3 Days
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What do our training course cover?
Module 1: Introduction to Python
What is Python?
- Overview of Python programming language
- History and evolution of Python
- Python’s popularity and use cases
Setting Up the Environment
- Installing Python (Anaconda,
- Introduction to IDEs (PyCharm, VS Code, Jupyter Notebook)
- Writing and running your first Python scrip
- Learning Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 2: Python Basics
Syntax and Semantics
- Python syntax and indentation
- Comments and docstrings
Variables and Data Types
- Understanding variables in Python
- Basic data types: integers, floats, strings, and Booleans
- Type conversion
Basic Operations
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 3: Control Flow
Conditional Statements
- if, else, and elif statements
- Nested conditionals
- for loops and iteration over sequences
- while loops and loop control (break, continue, pass)
- Using loops with conditional statements
Understanding range() Function
- Generating sequences of numbers
- Using range() in loops
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 4: Functions
Introduction to Functions
- Defining and calling functions
- Function parameters and arguments
- Return values
Built-in Functions
- Commonly used built-in functions (len(), type(), print(), etc.)
Scope and Lifetime of Variables
- Local vs. global variables
- Understanding the return statement
Lambda Functions
- Introduction to anonymous functions
- Basic use cases for lambda function
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 5: Data Structures
- Creating and manipulating lists
- List methods and operations
- Creating and using tuples
- Differences between lists and tuples
- Creating dictionaries
- Accessing, adding, and modifying dictionary items
- Creating sets and set operations
- Understanding the uniqueness of set elements
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 6: Working with Strings
String Basics
- String creation and manipulation
- String methods (e.g., split(), join(), replace())
String Formatting
- Old-style formatting with %
- New-style formatting with format()
- f-strings for formatting in Python 3.6+
String Operations
- Slicing and indexing
- String concatenation and repetition
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 7: File Handling
Reading and Writing Files
- Opening and closing files
- Reading from and writing to text files
- File modes (r, w, a, b, etc.)
Working with File Paths
- Handling file paths using os module
- Checking if a file or directory exists
Exception Handling with Files
- Using try, except, and finally with file operations
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 8: Error handling and Exceptions
Introduction to Exceptions
- Understanding exceptions and errors
- Common Python exceptions
Try-Except Blocks
- Handling exceptions using try and except
- Creating custom exceptions
Finally, and Else
- Ensuring clean-up with finally
- Using else with exception handling
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 9: Modules and Packages
Introduction to Modules
- Importing standard and third-party modules
- Creating and using custom modules
- Understanding Python packages
- Organizing code with packages and
Using pip
- Installing and managing packages with pip
- Introduction to virtual environments
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 10: Introduction to Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP)
Understanding Classes and Objects
- Defining classes and creating objects
- Attributes and methods
Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Implementing inheritance in Python
- Method overriding and polymorphism
- Using access modifiers
- Getter and setter methods
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
Module 11: Basic Data Analysis
Introduction to NumPy
- Creating and manipulating arrays
- Basic numerical operations with NumPy
Introduction to Pandas
- Creating and using Data Frames
- Basic data analysis with Pandas
- Reading Material
- Topic Quiz
For More Details Contact Us
Who is it for?
This Course is for those who want to start their career as Java Programmers.
After attending the course and successfully passing a multiple-choice questions examination, candidates receive certificate.
Final Quiz and Final Project
This assessment enables you to review your learning so you can determine your knowledge and understanding of the following course Computer Basics for Beginners.
Building a Simple Python Application
- Applying the concepts learned throughout the course
- Working on a small real-world project (e.g., a basic calculator, a text-based game, or a simple data analysis tool)